Snake Avoidance Training for Dogs Could Save Lives

Animal Experts was recently interviewed by Luzdelia Caballero from KGUN9 about their Snake Avoidance Training Classes for Dogs.

How Is the Training Performed?

Our trainer, Paul Blaushild, is the best in the West. He has over 50 years of dog training experience. The training will begin by having the trainer fit your dog with an electronic (shock) collar. The collar is used to simulate the pain a dog receives when they are bitten by a rattlesnake. Please note that the pain a dog receives when it licks the poisonous toxins from a Colorado River toad is also very painful.

Our trainer will teach your dogs to avoid rattlesnake and/or Colorado River toads through their natural senses of sight, sound, and smell. The process is repeated multiple times to ensure your dog will know the distinct sound of the snake’s rattle, their scent, and what they look like. The average time to complete the training course and class presentation is thirty minutes.

Dogs are instinctively curious to investigate Rattlesnakes and Colorado River toads. They view both of them as prey animals. Once your dog has completed the training, they will view both animals as a predator that can or will inflict pain upon them.

What Am I to Expect from My Dog After the Snake Avoidance Training Class?

Your dog’s sense of smell is the most significant of the three senses to be trained in class. If your dog doesn’t know the scent of a Rattlesnake, it may not know if there is one in your yard or hidden under a bush. A dog trained to know the scent of a rattlesnake will know immediately if there is one in your yard or possibly in your neighbor’s yard. Most dogs will alert their master while standing a safe distance away from the Rattlesnake.


Animal Experts, Inc.

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